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only know you love her when you let her go Titanicbymilayna-d57p9zq
on board! forum diamond sea ali DS na katerem se nahajate, je forum o titaniku. dogajanje je postavljeno v leto 1912, ki ga je zaznamovala plovba te slavne ladje. registrirate se lahko kot potnik v prvem, drugem ali tretjem razredu ter kot osebje na ladji: vsi liki so popisani v cannonih, ki so obvezni. forum ni cenzuriran.

only know you love her when you let her go Women-and-children-first


only know you love her when you let her go Tumblrmpl127grti1rit5naoonly know you love her when you let her go Tumblrmpmnfgfk8x1qal86ioonly know you love her when you let her go Tumblrmpmchiz5zt1sufuxpoonly know you love her when you let her go 11
only know you love her when you let her go 1oceanicengineroom
torej, celoten forum diamond sea je last admink. idejo zanj je dobila angelique, prav tako so njene slike, kode in besedila v widgetsih in podforumskih. če karkoli od naštetega vzamete brez njenega dovoljenja bo poskrbela da boste kaznovani. header in preostala grafika je prišla izpod camillinih rok, prav tako je ona naredila ranke. charllotina je zasnova, prav tako ona in george imata ogromno zaslugo za odpiranje tem in izboljšanje foruma, prav tako sta obadva pomagala pri zadevah z obrazci in kodami-da ne omenjamo iskanja slik. vse štiri adminke si lastijo originalno idejo foruma, ki so jo s skupnimi močmi obdelale iz izpilile. verjemite, jezne bomo, če karkoli vzamete brez našim dovoljenjem.
only know you love her when you let her go Mv5bmtyxndu1mzk0n15bml5b
dogodki na forumu, se bo dopolnilo. dogodki na forumu, se bo dopolnilo, ko pridejo. dogodki na forumu, se bo dopolnilo. dogodki na forumu, se bo dopolnilo, ko pridejo. dogodki na forumu, se bo dopolnilo. dogodki na forumu, se bo dopolnilo, ko pridejo. dogodki na forumu, se bo dopolnilo. dogodki na forumu, se bo dopolnilo, ko pridejo. dogodki na forumu, se bo dopolnilo. dogodki na forumu, se bo dopolnilo, ko pridejo. dogodki na forumu, se bo dopolnilo. dogodki na forumu, se bo dopolnilo, ko pridejo.


only know you love her when you let her go

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rose knightley

rose knightley
1st class
1st class
prispevki : 31
pridružen : 10/07/2013
razred : 1st class

only know you love her when you let her go Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: only know you love her when you let her go only know you love her when you let her go I_icon_minitimeSre Jul 10, 2013 1:03 pm


waiting for the end to come,

passionate. laid back. curious. healthy. intelligent. driven. creative. touchy.

give a big warm welcome to rosemarie knightley. this brunette young lady is originally from wellington, new zealand. it's where she grew up as the sheltered daughter of devout jewish parents. they home schooled her until the seventh grade when she was sent to public school. those two years of being the chubby new girl were ruthless due to all the teasing she endured, but out of it came her love for boxing. it's because of the sport she was able to get into shape and boost her confidence, ultimately leading her to the days where she felt completely comfortable in her skin. sadly for rose her stern jewish parents were not as comfortable with learning of her polyamorous relationship with two of her male classmates.
she ended up attending art school for fashion designing and later working for the local scoop company. after gaining her degree and her job at nineteen she settled down just outside of wellington. nevermind the hour long commute she makes monday through friday to her job. it's entirely worth it to her to do something she loves, even if she's been cheating on fashion designing with surrealism on the side. so for the last few days this darling girl has been romping around the titanic, nuzzling up to the people who will let her and avoiding the ones who she believes will drag her down into the dust. she's been on a never ending quest to improve herself through courses at the ship's school, and has taken her obsession with staying active and keeping in peak physical condition to heart. there's bound to be plenty of friends, foes, loves and everything in between so let's get right down to it.

FRIENDS given her easygoing presence she is not the hardest person in the entire universe to befriend. connecting with people is something she enjoys every moment of and at times will go get lengths to accomplish. in spite of her laid back personality though, she does have a bit of a bias towards those who are heavily entrenched in a partying lifestyle. since she abstains from drinking, drugs, and is currently trying to quit smoking (she's gone back to it) having those types of influences around aren't her cup of tea. she would much prefer like minded individuals, though special exceptions for those she meshes beautifully with in all other aspects aren't unheard of.

ENEMIES like previously mentioned anybody caught up in vices has almost a hundred percent chance to be on her 'do not associate with' list. it wouldn't be fair to say she immediately hates anybody living that kind of lifestyle, but in her own way she does look down on it. anybody who skates by in life is going to have a hard time bonding with her. she's the type that believes in earning what you get, not having it handed over on a silver platter. there's also only so much hope she can put behind a person improving themselves until she gives up entirely.

LOVERS she likes to state plainly that her definition of relationships is ever changing. it's all based more on good vibes than a set of social protocols. due to her views she's had serious relationships, fleeting interests and just about everything in between. there's no desire to purposefully seek out connects with men or women, but if they happen then she has no hang ups about acting on them. gender roles mean absolutely nothing to her.
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only know you love her when you let her go

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